
Our vision is to be able to build mobile apps for any platform. Right now, there’s just a couple of us, so we’ve started with the most common platforms: iOS (iPhone and iPad) and Android.

Visual Studio 2010, 2012 & 2013
Rather than forcing you to learn a new IDE, we thought you’d be more comfortable with something you know already. The Express editions don’t allow extensions, so unfortunately these won’t work.

Some mobile hardware
Nomad builds for iOS target iOS 4.2 or later, and will run on the iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. Android builds require Android 2.2 or later.

If you want to develop for other platforms please let us know…

iOS builds only: iOS Developer Program membership
Apple requires you to be a member of their developer program to create apps for iOS, and Nomad apps are no different in this respect.

However, you won’t need a Mac to build your apps – we’ll handle that bit for you!

For more information, see iOS Developer Program.

PhoneGap Build Account
Nomad for Visual Studio uses Adobe’s PhoneGap Build service to package your app for iOS and Android. You will require an Adobe ID in order to use the build service and will be asked for your credentials when creating a Nomad project for the first time. You cannot use GitHub credentials to log in to Nomad.

A free PhoneGap Build plan is available that enables you to build 1 private app or you can choose a paid plan option. You can find out more about PhoneGap Build pricing options and create an Adoobe ID